
Project Commutation: Juanita Peralta


Project Commutation: Juanita Peralta

Juanita, a mother of six, is currently serving a 15-year sentence for drug possession at Oklahoma’s Dr. Eddie Warrior Correctional Center. She hopes to return to her family soon.



On December 5th, 2018, Gov. Mary Fallin granted commutations to 21 applicants that reached her desk through a campaign led by Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform (OCJR). This action will lead to the immediate release of these 21 individuals — including Juanita — who were serving excessive prison sentences for low-level offenses.

“If I get this commutation, the first thing — and I’ve talked to my daughter about this — I’ve told her the first thing is I want her, even though she’s been working since she’s 16, is to go back to college,” says Juanita Peralta, 36, currently serving time at Oklahoma’s Dr. Eddie Warrior Correctional Center.

Juanita is referring to her oldest daughter, Destiny, who is currently raising her five siblings while their mom serves a 15-year sentence for drug possession. After her mother’s arrest, Destiny dropped out of school to work full-time and support the family.

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Juanita Peralta

In 2016, Oklahoma changed its laws to classify drug possession as a misdemeanor instead of a felony. Unfortunately, those like Juanita who were sentenced prior to these reforms are still required to serve out their sentence.

“What I miss most about being with my family is just that, being with my family. We were really close. There are so many of us, yet we’re a really, really close family. So I have to say I miss that. I miss just spending time with them, even if it’s just sitting there watching TV.” 

Commute Juanita’s sentence and bring her home. Please share her story.

What I miss most about being with my family is just that, being with my family.