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ICYMI: NPR: Getting Out Of Prison Sooner

We wanted to make sure you saw this NPR piece on Reggie Nicholson, an Oklahoma man who was sentenced to life in prison plus 1,650 years for a non-violent crime when his daughter was just 8 years old. After serving 17 years in prison, Reggie’s sentence was commuted. Unfortunately,… Read More

FWD.us Statement on Governor Reeves Decision to Veto SB 2123

JACKSON, MS – FWD.us Mississippi State Director Alesha Judkins issued the following statement today after Governor Tate Reeves’ veto of SB 2123, The Mississippi Correctional Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2020: “We are extraordinarily shocked and disappointed by Governor Tate Reeves’ veto of SB 2123. This important bill was a… Read More

FWD.us Statement on Implementation of New York Bail Rollbacks

ALBANY, NY – FWD.us Senior Associate for Criminal Justice Reform Rodney Holcombe issued the following statement today on the rollbacks of 2019’s historic bail reform: “Today, in the midst of a global pandemic and at a time when people are fighting to protect Black lives, New York is implementing bail… Read More