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As Severe Winter Weather Impact Compounds Poor Conditions in Mississippi’s Dangerous Prison System, Local Advocates Call for Immediate System Reforms

JACKSON, MS – FWD.us Mississippi State Director Alesha Judkins responds to Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC) Commissioner Burl Cain’s comments on his efforts to reform Mississippi’s deadly prison system: “Fast-tracking repairs to mitigate the winter weather-impact in Mississippi’s prisons is a necessary step and should be prioritized. Every person… Read More

Mississippi Lawmakers Advance Commonsense Criminal Justice Reform

JACKSON, MS – FWD.us Mississippi State Director Alesha Judkins issued the following statement today in response to recent votes on criminal justice reform legislation during the 2021 legislative session: “The strong bipartisan support for criminal justice reform in the legislature is a clear indication that lawmakers are serious about addressing… Read More