The repeal of DACA has created a dire emergency for Dreamers across the country, and for the millions of Americans who live, work, and study with them every single day. Congress should immediately pass legislation to protect Dreamers, like the bipartisan Dream Act. If Congress does not act, then beginning March 5th, every single new business day a new 1,400 DACA recipients will lose their ability to work legally and be subject to immediate deportation. This would cost our economy an astronomical $460.3 billion.
Here’s what else you need to know:
Dreamers as a Demographic
- The average DACA recipient came to the U.S. at the age of 6 and has been here roughly 20 years on average.
- Almost 75% of Dreamers have a U.S. citizen spouse, child, or sibling.
- More than 91% of Dreamers are gainfully employed and paying taxes.
3,400 faith leaders, 600 college and university presidents and more than 750 business leaders from every sector of the economy have called on Congress to pass legislation to protect Dreamers permanently.
Previously unreleased polling shows overwhelming Republican support for allowing Dreamers to pursue an earned pathway to citizenship:
- 71% of Trump voters and 71% of GOP voters support pathway to citizenship for dreamers brought here as kids (age 5), and
- 64% of GOP and 67% of Trump voters support pathway to citizenship for dreamers who came as teenagers (age 15).