FWD.us Statement on President Trump’s Comments on Immigrants

WASHINGTON, DC – FWD.us President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today in response to the negative comments made by President Trump regarding immigrants:

“The comments made yesterday by the President are divisive, wrong, and hurtful. Our nation has always been made great by those who came to our shores to seek a better life – whether they came from prosperity or survived horrors and arrived with nothing more than the desire to build a better life for themselves and their family. America’s greatness blossoms from allowing people to contribute and fully achieve; defining people's innate worth by where they were born is wrong.

“What matters is the response – and that there are only two paths forward, because Congress holds the lives of nearly 800,000 Dreamers in their hands. By January 19th, either Congress will find at least 60 votes in the Senate and 218 votes in the House to pass bipartisan legislation to protect Dreamers, or they will fail, and every single one of the DACA recipients will begin to lose their status, lose their ability to work legally and fully contribute to this country, and become subject to immediate deportation.

“Our nation stands at a crossroads: either Congress will protect Dreamers and that very American Dream that makes us great, or Congress will reject this – and our government will begin to purge young people who are Americans in every sense but their immigration status.

“This is a choice for every single Member of Congress, and one they will live with for the rest of their lives. Words matter and votes matter. FWD.us Statement on President Trump’s Comments on ImmigrantsEvery member will be on the record in this moment of our country’s reckoning.”

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