Press Release/News/Coronavirus/Immigration Statement on Trump Administration Decision to Close USCIS Offices Due to COVID-19

WASHINGTON, DC — President Todd Schulte issued the following statement calling on USCIS to automatically extend, for two years, all DACA applications that expire in 2020 due to USCIS’s reported decision to close its offices due to COVID-19:

“The news that USCIS is closing its offices due to the global pandemic means that DACA recipients whose work authorization and deportation protections may be expiring in the next few weeks and months will no longer be able to renew their DACA, putting tens to hundreds of thousands at risk of losing their jobs and being deported–especially as ICE continues enforcement actions.

“Given this news, it is absolutely imperative that the Trump Administration both withdraw their appeal before the Supreme Court and allow the DACA program and renewals to continue. In addition, they must automatically extend, for two years, all permits for DACA recipients whose protections are set to expire before the end of 2020.

“While some visa categories can be delayed without substantial impact, delays for other categories, specifically DACA applications, would magnify the devastating consequences to our economy and communities. Failing to take steps to ensure that DACA recipients who are trying to renew can do so without interruptions would be viewed as the Trump Administration taking advantage of a global health crisis to circumvent the rulings of multiple courts that require USCIS to continue processing DACA renewal applications.”

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