Press Release/News/Immigration Statement on Supreme Court Decision on the Remain in Mexico Program

WASHINGTON, DC — President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Biden v. Texas:

“We’re profoundly relieved that the Supreme Court has affirmed President Biden’s authority to end the devastating Remain in Mexico program, and we urge the Administration to move as swiftly as possible to end this program permanently. This was a clear rebuke of the lower court’s outrageous and reactionary overstep. Today’s ruling is a long-overdue victory for compassion, safety, and the rule of law – and for tens of thousands of vulnerable individuals attempting to seek safety from terrible violence and persecution.

“Moreover, the Court rejected the radical claim by the lower court that all noncitizens must either be expelled and forced to remain outside the U.S. or incarcerated for the entirety of their asylum processing. This is a welcome judgment, but should have never even been a question: no Administration – not even the Trump Administration – has ever interpreted the law that way.

“While today’s ruling marks a critical step forward, the Biden Administration must act with urgency to ensure that individuals and families trapped in horrifying, dangerous conditions can seek asylum and be treated with fairness and dignity at every point in the process. The utterly horrific loss of life we saw this week in Texas weighs heavy on this day. Ending Remain in Mexico is only one part of building a modern, humane immigration system that welcomes people seeking refuge, keeps families safe and together, and does right by the millions of individuals contributing to our communities who deserve to live in safety.”

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