Press Release/News/Dreamers/Florida/Immigration Statement on Passage of the Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6) and Impact to Floridians

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives took a historic step forward by passing the Dream and Promise Act, vital legislation that would provide an earned pathway to citizenship for more than two million people. This is only the fourth time in more than 30 years that legislation providing permanent protections for undocumented communities has passed even one chamber of Congress. Florida State Director Ted Hutchinson issued the following statement:

“We applaud the House of Representatives for taking a historic step and passing the Dream and Promise Act today, which will protect more than two million Dreamers and TPS holders across the country from deportation, including nearly 200,000 Floridians. This vital legislation will keep families together and allow immigrants who have built their lives in Florida over decades to contribute more fully to our communities and our economy. Dreamers and TPS holders are integral to the fabric of Florida, and policies like the Dream and Promise Act that will build a more welcoming, inclusive Florida. The Senate should take up this critical legislation immediately and vote to provide more than two million people across the country with the certainty and relief they desperately deserve.”


The Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R.6) would create an earned path to citizenship for more than two million people who have contributed to American communities for decades, including DACA recipients, DACA-eligible individuals, TPS holders and DED recipients. Roughly 199,000 Floridians would qualify for permanent protections under this vital legislation. These individuals live with more than 75,000 U.S.-born citizen children and, on average, have lived in the United States since 1997. (Center for American Progress)

Today’s vote is historically significant and is only the fourth time, in more than 30 years, that major immigration legislation that provides permanent protections for immigrant communities has passed even one chamber of Congress.

Available For Comment:
The individuals below are available for comment on the historic passage of the Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6):

DACA Recipient: Adrián Escárate (Miami, FL)
Professional Tennis Coach, Biltmore Tennis Center/Salvadore Tennis Center
Adrian Escarate was born in Santiago, Chile and moved to the United States when he was three years old. Adrian was also able to attend secondary schooling at the University of North Florida and St. Thomas University as a student-athlete by playing on the men's tennis team at both universities. Although undocumented, he was able to attend school with private scholarships and graduated Cum Laude Honors from St. Thomas University in 2011 with a Degree in Communications Arts and a minor in Psychology. Today, Adrian is a professional tennis coach at the Biltmore Tennis Center and Salvadore Tennis Center and is months away from graduating with his Master's degree in Communications specializing in Electronic Media from St. Thomas University.

DACA Recipient: Juan Escalante (Florida)
Immigration Digital Campaigns Manager,
Juan Escalante is a renowned digital strategist and nationally recognized immigrant advocate. He has been at the forefront of the immigrant rights movement for the past ten years, holds two degrees from Florida State University, and is a current DACA beneficiary. Escalante is the eldest of 3 children, who fled Venezuela in the year 2000. He currently serves as a digital strategist for

DACA Recipient: Maria Rodriguez (Ocala, FL)
Student, Florida State University
Maria Juliana came to the United States from Colombia and resides in Ocala, Florida. She graduated Cum Laude from Florida State University in May of 2017 where she earned her degree in International Affairs, focusing in Public Administration and Modern Languages. Maria Juliana currently works for her college as an Administrative Assistant in the Dean's Office and aspires to go to law school at either her alma mater or at American University.

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