Press Release/News/Immigration/Pathway Statement: Biden Administration Grants Affirmative Relief to Hundreds of Thousands of American Families and Dreamers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today on President Biden's announcement to grant affirmative immigration relief:

“Today marks a historic milestone in improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers and American families with undocumented members.

“This is a tremendous step forward from President Biden, and a much-needed fulfillment of the promise to keep families together.

“We celebrate alongside millions whose futures are brighter today, stand with those still awaiting similar protections, and renew our commitment to protecting this progress and fixing every aspect of our failed immigration system — including giving a pathway to citizenship to those who have waited too long.”

For more information on parole in place for spouses of U.S. citizens, CLICK HERE.

For more information on streamlining 212(d)(3) waivers for Dreamers, CLICK HERE.

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