Press Release/News/Immigration/New York New York State Immigration Director Statement on President Biden’s Joint Address

ALBANY, NY – New York State Immigration Director Eddie A. Taveras issued the following statement today following President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress:

“Home to more than 4.3 million immigrants, New Yorkers understand that immigration is not just an economic issue, but rather a social, moral, cultural, racial, and community matter. Let the last year center our focus and move us towards a more just and dignified system. That is why I am uplifted to know that President Biden remains steadfast in his promise to establish a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. This action is long overdue, especially since nearly two million New York immigrant essential workers have been fighting on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic for our collective wellbeing. President Biden’s words, however, must be met with congressional action that leads to the passage of legislation; anything less will be a failure.

“New York Dreamers, TPS recipients, farmworkers, and other essential workers have been waiting too long for certainty while the country continuously reaped from their contributions each day. The reality is that congressional inaction on immigration threatens our state’s health, safety, and prosperity. There is immense opportunity to create a humane, fair immigration system that keeps families safe and together, and I hope the Biden-Harris Administration and Congress seize this opportunity as soon as possible and fulfill the lofty commitments made throughout the campaign.”

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