Permanently Protect
Dreamers and TPS Holders

The lives of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers and TPS holders are now at risk.

The Supreme Court announced its ruling on DACA — and in doing so gave us a critical win/reprieve for DACA recipients and all of America. Congress must do the right thing and pass permanent protections for all of these groups.

Take the pledge and support a pathway to citizenship #ForOurFamilies

A majority of Americans agree — Congress should immediately pass bipartisan legislation to permanently protect Dreamers and TPS holders so these people can continue to live, work and contribute to the only country they know as home.

The average DACA recipient came to this country at the age of six and has been here for 20 years. They are leaders in our companies and brave members of our military. Dreamers are important parts of our communities and work in our local businesses. DACA recipients represent 200,000 essential workers, including nearly 30,000 health care workers, like doctors and nurses, who are helping communities across the country survive the COVID-19 crisis — and now they will be able to continue to work to protect their communities.

Likewise, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders have been living and working in the United States for decades: building their families, and contributing to their communities and our nation’s economy.

All of these people now face the threat of deportation and worse. Tell Congress to pass permanent protections today.

Temporary Protected Status is critically important immigration relief
for TPS holders and the U.S. economy

TPS holders contribute significantly to the U.S. economy with work authorization, while deportation protections keep hundreds of thousands of American families safe and together.

DACA by date
DACA by date

DACA by date

TPS holders protected by Immigration Act of 1990

TPS holders protected by Immigration Act of 1990

DACA by date

800,000 Dreamers Receive DACA

In November 2012, Dreamers began coming forward with the government’s promise of protection, passing a rigorous background check and paying a fee. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program allowed Dreamers to contribute to our economy and communities.

DACA by date

More Than 800 Business Leaders Release Letter In Support Of Dreamers

Business leaders across America — including Facebook and Microsoft — came together and sent a letter to President Trump and Congress urging them to protect Dreamers and pass a bipartisan Dream Act or similar legislation.

DACA by date

Trump Administration Repeals DACA, Gives Congress a Six Month Deadline To Act

Citing lawsuit threats from the State of Texas, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the recission of DACA, putting the lives of nearly 800,000 hardworking young Dreamers at risk. Since then, Americans across the country have taken action to protect Dreamers.

DACA by date

U.S. Senate Votes on Immigration Amendments including protections for Dreamers

The Senate debated and voted on several amendments, yet all failed to pass.

DACA by date

Trump Administration’s Deadline Comes and Goes

The administration's deadline for Congress to pass permanent protections for Dreamers arrives, yet Congress fails to protect Dreamers.

DACA by date

Discharge Petition Announced

A bipartisan group of Members of Congress, led by Rep. Jeff Denham, introduce a discharge petition to force a vote on H.Res. 774, which would allow for the House to vote and debate immigration legislation — including protections for Dreamers.

DACA by date

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Files A Lawsuit Seeking to End DACA, Declare the Program Unconstitutional

Texas and six other states file lawsuit in Judge Andrew Hanen’s court to end DACA, seeking nationwide injunction against renewals.

DACA by date

Judge Bates Rules Government Must Reinstate the Full DACA Program

Judge Bates issues an order rejecting the government’s request for the court to reconsider its previous decision that the memorandum terminating the DACA program must be vacated, potentially paving the way for the original DACA program to be fully reinstated.

DACA by date

Lawsuit suspends end of TPS protections for certain countries

A federal judge blocks the termination of TPS for people from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Sudan, citing dangerous hardships and struggle for those affected.

DACA by date

The House Passes H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act

All Democrats — and seven Republicans — voted for this crucial legislation. It was just the fourth time in more than three decades that major immigration legislation that provides permanent protections for immigrant communities has passed even one chamber of Congress. This law would protect vulnerable individuals from deportation, and would give Dreamers and TPS holders a path to citizenship.

DACA by date

Supreme Court Agrees to Review Lower Court DACA Rulings

The Supreme Court granted the Trump Administration’s request that it review lower court decisions relating to the termination of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The court will likely next hear oral arguments and could decide on the fate of the DACA program either fall of 2019 or between January and June of 2020.

DACA by date

The Supreme Court Rules on DACA

The Supreme Court has announced its ruling on DACA. The justices agreed with the lower courts and ruled that the Trump Administration broke the law when it ended DACA. The Supreme Court has reinstated the full 2012 DACA policy.

Nov 1990
Aug 2012
Aug 2017
Sep 2017
Feb 2018
Mar 2018
May 2018
May 2018
Aug 2018
Oct 2018
Jun 2019
Jun 2019
Jun 2020
Issue Center

Your Deep Dive: DACA, TPS, & DED

Champions of Reform

Advocates Pushing For Commonsense Reform

DACA recipients and TPS holders are our friends, neighbors, and important members of our communities.