The Issue

Immigration Reform: Building A Better Way

Americans are better off when everyone is given the opportunity to succeed and allowed to contribute. Yet our harmful immigration system holds us back by preventing millions of people from realizing their full potential. We need a system that upholds our country's best values and actually works.

Immigrants have long been a source of strength for our nationbuilding America, driving business creation, fueling innovation, and bolstering our middle class.

Fixing Our Harmful Immigration System

Without smart reforms, this harmful system will continue to weaken our country and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

Our harmful immigration system fails all of us.

Immigrants and immigration have long been a source of strength for our nation. New arrivals to the U.S. help drive business creation, fuel innovation, strengthen communities, and bolster the middle class. Smart immigration policy grows the economy, helps Americans, and helps keep families together.

But, for 30 years, Congress has failed to fix our harmful immigration laws and it’s holding us all back.

Our legal visa system is decades behind the needs of today’s economy. Eleven million undocumented immigrants currently live in the United States but lack any options to earn a pathway to citizenship. Eighty-six percent of American voters support giving Dreamers and DACA recipients a path to citizenship, and DACA recipients won at the Supreme Court. Now they need Congress to pass permanent protections. We need to continue to improve border security and focus on real public safety needs. We lose billions in tax revenue and millions of jobs go uncreated due to the flaws of this system.

We must break through the political gridlock and create an immigration system that moves our families, communities, and economy forward.

The Case For
Immigration Reform
What We Stand For

Fixing our harmful immigration system will make our country a safer, more prosperous place

We are committed to creating a fair, clear, and modern immigration system that unlocks opportunity for all Americans. That means protecting and improving existing legal immigration avenues, augmenting sensible border security and law enforcement, prioritizing real and serious public safety threats, and providing an earned pathway to citizenship for the the 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S.


Strengthen families, strengthen our economy

Reform would create millions of jobs, reduce the deficit, allow for innovation to keep the U.S. globally competitive, and would keep millions of families together.


Create an earned pathway

Americans will be better off if there is a fair and clear process for undocumented immigrants — almost all of whom just want to work hard and build better lives for their families — to earn citizenship over a period of time. It is absurd and against our country’s best values to pursue a policy that deports as many people as possible and tears these families apart.

Our Approach

We believe immigration reform is too important to put off any longer

The fact is a majority of Americans support common sense immigration reform. So why hasn't it happened? This isn’t an inherently unsolvable problem. We understand the flaws and we have solutions. What stands in our way is a lack of political will and urgency. That's where we come in. We grow and galvanize political support to break through partisan gridlock to achieve meaningful reforms — because those most impacted can’t afford to wait. So, we engage and energize constituencies that cross party, racial, religious and geographic lines to make sure reform gets done as quickly as possible. Through our state teams, University Program, and Community Accelerator, we’re activating local supporters to demand the change our country needs.

The fact is a majority of Americans support common sense immigration reform. So why hasn't it happened? This isn’t an inherently unsolvable problem. We understand the flaws and we have solutions. What stands in our way is a lack of political will and urgency. That's where we come in. We grow and galvanize political support to break through partisan gridlock to achieve meaningful reforms — because those most impacted can’t afford to wait. So, we engage and energize constituencies that cross party, racial, religious and geographic lines to make sure reform gets done as quickly as possible. Through our state teams, University Program, and Community Accelerator, we’re activating local supporters to demand the change our country needs.

Our Campaigns

Immigration Reform:
Here’s What’s Happening

If we want to move America forward, we need an immigration system that will allow all Americans to thrive.

The People

Immigration Reform Means a Stronger America

Immigrants aren't just our friends, co-workers, and valuable members of our communities. They're us.

The Latest on Immigration Reform
Champions of Reform

Advocates Pushing For Commonsense Reform

These supporters of immigration reform know America is stronger when everyone has the opportunity to contribute.